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You’ve reached my projects page, going forward I’m going to attempt to detail the silly projects that I come up with here. Currently interested in Kafka and event driven architecture… Also load cells of course.

Obligitory About Me page for those who care.

Load Cells and Kafka: A Match Made in Heaven.

Recently I’ve been really interested in load cells and how they operate. One thing led to another and now I have a sensor for my living room chair and an unimaginable amount of data surrounding that chair. Leading me to think about applicable use cases. This project is designed with scale in mind, more sensors to come…

The Chair™️ -isn’t it beautiful. The Chair In Question


Whisper Bot: ML Kafka Pipelines are Cool

My friends and I have an anonomous chat that is for memes. With about 30 people in this chat and a constant flow of data, I felt this would be a good use case for kafka and machine learning. The bot consumes whispers and tries to make an impactful message to the group once a day. The results are silly, but the pipeline behind it was very fun to implement. In future releases I’d like to use reactions to it’s messagse as sentiment in the next model. Or use a LLM like LLAMA 2 or something. We shall see!

Example Whisper From Bot
